Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blogging Meme

Thanks Mel and Annemarie for tagging me!

The blogging task includes:
  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  • List 11 bloggers.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
11 random facts about me:
  1. I have a lovely husband, 4 sons and 1 grandchild,
  2. I attended New Plymouth Girls High school for one year before returning to finish my schooling in Otorohanga. 
  3. I grew up on a farm outside Otorohanga.
  4. I like painting my toe nails.
  5. I have been teaching for longer than I care to remember. I started teaching when I was 19.
  6. I once held a pilot's licence. I met my husband when we were training together, 
  7. I often take overseas trips with my friends, We had an amazing ten days in Hong Kong. 
  8. I like to spend time geocaching and finding new places to explore. Currently on 746. I have 3 travel bugs travelling the world.
  9. I have one cat and a labrador dog, Max. 
  10. I like watching crime drama, Coronation St and Emmerdale. 
  11. I am the youngest of 4,
Now  11 questions:
1. What is your favourite time of day? At the end of the day when everyone has gone to bed and the house is quiet.
2. What is your talent? Listening
3. If you could use one word to describe yourself what would it be? Passionate
4. If you had any amount of money to spend, what would be the first thing you would want to spend your money on? Pay off the mortgage, boring but true. Then buy our family bach from my brother and sister. 
5. What is the one thing you would like to get better at doing? Dancing
6. Name one person who has inspired you the most in life? My father
7. Name one person who has inspired you the most in your profession? Trish, a dear friend and an amazing teacher
8. What is your favourite childhood memory? Family holidays in the family bach at Brown's Bay.
9. If you could have dinner with a famous person who would that person be and why? Kerre McIvor (Woodham)
10. Where is your favourite place in the world that you would like to be? Matarangi
11. What do you do when you feel stressed or you have just had enough? Read crime stories and knit

My 11 questions for you
  1. Who would you like to cook dinner for you?
  2. Where is your favourite holiday spot?
  3. What is your favourite class level to teach and why?
  4. Who is your oldest friend and how did you meet?
  5. What was your first computer and what is your current favourite device now?
  6. What is your favourite New Zealand destination?
  7. What was your best Christmas gift?
  8. What can't you live without?
  9. Which singer / band would you most like to see live in concert?
  10. What is your favourite thing to teach?
  11. If you had the freedom to change how you  teach, what would be the first thing to change?
I tag @lagatabonita, @rachelboyd, @allanahk, @annagerrit

1 comment:

  1. Barb, I enjoyed learning a little more about you. That is so exciting to have held a pilots licence. Like you I love the late evenings when everyone has gone to bed. I Look forward to reading how your questions are answered. I like the idea of having a speciality chef. I would definitely call back my Grandmother. All the best.
